Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

07 February 2007

Behold! I bring you news of great joy...

... a joy to be shared with all the people; for on this day I have finished my last overdue essay from 2006!

What a relief! How happy am I now! Rejoice with me people! Yay!

And it turned out very well I have to say, it was a 2000 word paper on the Motherhood of Mary drawn from the scriptures. For those who sometimes wonder how Mary fits in and why she fits in you might enjoy it.

Actually I'm trying to work out if I can post PDF files on this site but it doesn't seem to be possible. Oh well. If anyone knows, let me know.

Excuse me now, I must dress in my party clothes and go and dance in the streets!