Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

01 February 2007

Only six months to go!

It occurred to me today that it is now only six months till my little soiree in Melbourne comes to an end. Wow that has gone so fast! Mind you in that six months I have 7 units to take and who knows how many essays to write but altleast there is an end in sight. Ashame it has taken me this long to actually settle into Melbourne, but now I have grown to quiet like it and I'm sure I will always recall it fondly (ahhh) but I do dream about the day when I can get up and stretch out on the lounge to watch TV (I don't have one here) and then decide whether I will go to the kitchen or the dining room or the lounge room or the family room or the backyard or the front yard...ahh choice!