Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

05 May 2007

I graduated...

...but only from my first degree.

I went back to Sydney last weekend in an express trip to finally graduate from the Bachelor of Theology that I completed while in the seminary. Some people thought I was graduation from my degree in Melbourne (a Master of Theology) but that won't be until this time next year.

I'd never been to a graduation before and quiet enjoyed it. There were 300 graduates all graduating from the Sydney College of Divinity of which the Catholic Institute of Sydney is a member institute. It's a very grand occasion in the Great Hall of Sydney Univesity with all the professors in their coloured gowns and caps. We also had the Governor of Sydney Maree Bashir present as well to give the occassional address. It was alos good to catch up with a few of my seminary freinds, both at the ceremony and during lunch at the seminary the day before.

Mum, dad, nanna, gramps and my friend Grace attended the ceremony then we all went back to my brother and his wife's (Richard and Joanne) place for lunch. There my uncle and his family and my other brother Anthony and his wife Erin joined us. And that evening I was whisked back to the airport and was back in Melbourne that night. I would have been nice to have stayed longer but I had to work. Not long now though and I will be back in Sydney for good.

Have a look at the gradutation photos here (thanks GK)