Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

13 June 2007

This Couple Chose Life and received Sextuplets

Dear visitors from the Daily Kos Blog,

I was overwhelmed this morning to see 300 hits overnight on my humble little blog about the Morrison sextuplets. If I'd known all you people would be droping in I would have stayed up to serve chips and drinks! Well welcome to those of you who are dropping in to see the terrifying "religious right". I have to say I am fairly amused that I was chosen to be the religious right, I'm just a simple catholic who tries to grow in his faith and practice it with joy. I guess it all depends on where you are sitting as to what appears as the religious right. From my vantage point Daily Kos seems to be the anti-life, secularistic left?

I put the Morrison story up simply because I thought it was something encouraging in a world where there is so much misery (including 40 million abortions per year). I did not put it up to advocate either way for the couples choice to use the fertility assistance drug Follistim. While from a Catholic viewpoint, without knowing any of their personal details (which the writer of the Daily Kos doesn't either), their choice to use the drug would seem to objectively morally acceptable as what it is doing is simply stimulating follicle growth when Mrs Morrison was most probably not able to produce FSH naturally.

This is very different to in-vitro fertilisation where egg and sperm and united in a laboratory and inserted as an embryo into the woman. One person left a comment on my blog saying the doctors should not have put all the embryos in Mrs Morrison, they didn't, one of the risks of the drug is possible mutiple embryos and that is a risk the couple took. They as a couple made a choice and it seemed on face value to have been morally legitimate. To choose against abortion was also the right choice as it is never legitimate to take human life.

All couples make choices about how they will have a family and this couple are no different. It's a bit rich for ChuyHChrist to criticise the Morrisons but not have a word to say on homosexuals who pressure governments for the 'right' to 'have' a child or the growing number of couples who choose to abort their children because pre-natal screenings indicate they may be born with a cleft palate!

I do agree that we all need in this technological age to be very careful to remember that children are gifts not rights but to use medical advances in a way that does not destroy the unity of the sexual act and that respects the rights of every person as a human being with innate dignity is very acceptable.

It is sad news that three of the Morrison babies have died, I hope some of you vistors from the atheistic left will be less angry at the Morrisons and perhaps a little more prayerfully concerned for them as they struggle with the three children they have left. They trust in God and their use of that fertility drug did not abolish that trust, we are not made to be stupid, God gave us intelligence and he calls us to use it for the greater good of all the world.

So while you are here who don't you stay a while and check out my other posts at Mister Berns. You may enjoy my posts on '10 reasons to have another child', 'He stands and waits', 'How the pill causes embryonic abortions', 'Do we really trust in God' and many others. Just scroll down and take in some ideas that aren't so leftist.

Ok well I shall leave you to it. Have a good day. God Bless and do drop in again. Mister Berns.

A great stroy from LifeSiteNews.com

A Minnesota couple welcomed the birth of all six of their sextuplets at St. Luke’s Hospital in Minneapolis on Sunday, although the couple’s and their childrens’ story would have been far different if doctors had their way.

"The babies arrived sooner than we'd hoped for, but we are optimistic," father Ryan Morrison said in a statement. "Brianna is doing well. Thanks to all who are praying for our family. We are very happy to be parents."

After 22 weeks, Brianna Morrison gave birth to four boys and two girls just before midnight Sunday. All six remain in critical condition and weigh between 11 ounces and 1 pound, 3 ounces.

The couple named the boys Bennet Ryan, Tryg Benton, Lincoln Sean and Sylas Christopher. They named the girls Lucia Rae and Cadence Alana.

Ryan and Brianna Morrison, both 24, had spent more than a year trying to conceive, until Brianna began taking the fertility assistance drug Follistim.

The story of the Morrison’s six little “blessings”, as they call them, would have been different if they had followed the advice of doctors. After learning Brianna was carrying sextuplets, doctors strongly recommended “selective reduction”, a common euphemism for selective abortion, emphasizing they believed the potential risks were too great.

"However, we knew right away that this is not an option for us," the couple wrote on their website. "We understand that the risk is high, but we also understand that these little ones are much more than six fetuses. Each one of them is a miracle given to us by God."

Back in May, LA Times reporter Dan Neil revealed he and his wife decided to abort selectively two of their unborn quadruplets at 15 weeks on the similar advice of doctors. Neil said the procedure was a “medical imperative” and that they would “have to lose two to keep two.” He held his wife’s hand as he watched the doctor inject potassium chloride into the heart of one son, and then the other.

“As we listened to the sound of those six beating hearts I felt crushed by the weight of the miracle that was bearing down on me,” wrote Ryan Morrison, feeling “swallowed up by a life-changing act of God.”

Despite having just a small 2 bedroom apartment, and only one crib, car seat and stroller, the Morrison’s decided in “those moments of utter confusion” to embrace all their unborn “blessings” and trust in the providence of God.

“Truly God would sustain us in this just as He has sustained us in everything we’ve ever experienced. He will bring the lives of these babies to full health and fruition and everyone will say, ‘Look, God has done something amazing!’”

Those who wish to learn more about the Morrison’s and their pro-life story, or to find out how they can help the young couple can visit their blog: “Morrison 6: Ryan, Brianna, and Six Blessings”