Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

05 December 2007

Walking with Love...supporting women after abortion

Everyone know that the Catholic Church condemns abortion but it is not condemning for the sake of it, is in condemning because abortion hurts regular mums and dads and of course their babies. More than wanting to condemn, the Church wants to be there for women to support them and to help them. The Church desires to create a culture not where abortion is so much 'illegal' but rather where abortion is unthinkable. It desires a culture that loves life but more importantly is there to really support a woman who feels alone and scared through an unplanned pregnancy. The 'pro-choice' lobby is really not pro choice at all because studies show that 85% of women who had an abortion would not have had one if they felt support from family, friends etc. Out society needs to be built into one that loves and supports and so importantly...forgives. Abortion is never a loving option, not for mother, father or baby.

In light of all this the Australian bishops are currently holding symposiums around Australia to get the conversation happening about the real need to be there for woman who are considering or have had an abortion. It is not about accusing or condemning but about being there in all ways possible. They have set up the initiative called "Walking with Love" and last week held the first symposium in Melbourne, you'll want to have a look at the website for the symposiums in Sydney and the other capitals.

Part of the website includes the specially made 3 minute video (below) as part of the resources to be distributed to parishes and schools in the future. So have a look at the clip and let us keep in our prayers those at this moment who are considering having an abortion and those who struggle in living with what has already happened. Abortion is something that our society is too quick to sweep under the rug...if we are to build a culture of life and love we need to be there for the one in four women who have felt they have had no choice but an abortion. A society which loves its women would never allow that to happen...