Mister Berns

My Thoughts...Straight Out of the Box!

21 December 2008

A trip is born

It surprises most people I tell that I have never travelled overseas before but I haven’t really had a chance, my life in summary has been as follows: Born > School > Vocational discernment (includes seminary) > Melbourne studies > World Youth Day > present day. So as you can clearly see, life has been pretty full, there just hadn’t been the time or the need to go overseas :) After WYD I was planning on travelling with my friend Joanna but I made a slight financial miscalculation and didn’t really have the funds to send myself anywhere.

In September though I received an email from the Theology of the Body Institute in the USA about a one week intensive course on Theology of the Body (TOB) in January 2009 and I stopped and considered it. I usually don’t actually consider such conferences but for some reason I did and realised that I would be able to save the necessary funds and also take the couple of weeks necessary to do the course. Being in that part of town though (the Northern hemisphere) I began to consider that perhaps it would be a good time to see some of the world on the way to the USA. Fr Richard also began to consider travelling with me so we were soon planning our trip.